Mistakes When Working From Home
Working from home is the new wave that every employee wants to be a part of. Whether it be a full-time work from home position or a hybrid schedule, employees are taking every opportunity they can to get out of the office and into their home office. While this may be a great opportunity, many employees need to be aware of the risks and potential mistakes they can make while working from home.
You Still Have To Work
While working from home may seem ideal to most, you must take caution and not get too comfortable with your job. Many employers can still track their employees’ activity while they work from home. They can see mouse movement and what they have accomplished throughout the day, this can reflect poorly on an employee if an employer sees they have not accomplished much throughout the workday. It is very easy to get distracted at home, dishes need to be done, laundry folded, car washed, carpet vacuumed, etc. These are just a couple of excuses people use while away from their computer while at home. Being remote has communication barriers, thus excessive communication is a prerequisite. Not being proactive with communicating and not updating or entering “sleep mode” if your day is going slow is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Whether your day is going slow or if there are a lot of distractions going on, you have to maintain a good work-life balance in order to succeed when working from home.
Work-Life Balance
Managing personal time vs. work time can be very difficult if you are not used to working from home. There are many mistakes people make and ultimately ruin their work ethic. Have a busy day planned for something? “No problem, I’ll work late tonight.” Working outside of normal work hours can throw someone’s work ethic askew, many people have a hard time learning how to manage when not to work and when it is appropriate to do work or send emails. When you’re working, you can’t help but think about the laundry that’s piling up. And, when you’re doing the laundry, you’re thinking about the work that’s piling up. It’s an unhealthy cycle which is why setting boundaries and taking note of your work-life balance is crucial when working from home.
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