How To Write A Job Description In Today’s Market
Capturing candidates in today’s market can be a difficult task. Using the correct language, the right amount of bullet points, the appropriate amount of requirements etc. all play a key factor in a proficient job description.
Details, Not Too Many Though
While you don’t want your job description to address every skill under the sun, you do want to make it as detailed as possible. The most important detail to include in a job description, according to a Stanford Research Study, is “Years Of Experience”. Including this in a job description helps filter out candidates who may be either over or under qualified, and for the candidates that fall in the experience range, it makes them more inclined to apply to the position they are qualified for. Employ this tactic with caution, though. Especially in tech or with people changing jobs mid-career, candidates may have a solid baseline of training but not a ton of experience in the field. Overloading descriptions with information is not what you want. You want to keep things broad, but include the most important specifications. Another study by Harvard Business School suggests 5-8 bullet points will usually be enough information depending on the complexity of the role.
What You Can Provide
Candidates love seeing benefits, salaries, tuition reimbursement, health insurance, etc. These are what draws candidates attention to jobs. A job offering no benefits is less appealing, make sure you detail as much as you can within to grab attention. Do you offer stock options? Equity? WFH? Hybrid Schedules? Child care assistance? Paid parental leave? Don’t keep that information a secret– promote it as much as you can! Candidates need to know that this new job will benefit their personal lives, not just their work.
Involve Current Employees In Writing
The only person that knows the job better than an employer is the employee themselves! They have all the info you need when it comes to job overview, day to day tasks, skills required, etc. Current employees are your best resource when providing useful knowledge for a job description, they know the specifications better than anyone else. Employees in the role advertised can also provide suggestions for specific skills needed if the job is technical, meaning “Proficient in X,Y,Z is mandatory while being proficient in A,B,C is preferred but not a must”.
Company Culture
In recent times many candidates are looking for positions that will be beneficial to their overall mental health. People want a sense of family in the workplace, a place where they feel welcomed and wanted, not just another face in the company. Promote company culture and possibly company events that are held or team building exercises that bring the company together. Putting together a description that includes all of the above information may not yield instant results, but it will promote your company and put yourself in a position to identify the right candidate for the job professionally as well as the company’s overall stigma or image.
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