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Cameras On!

After conducting a poll on the Sudina Search LinkedIn page regarding cameras being on during meetings, the results were as expected. Many employees do not have their cameras on and do not want to have them on.

Lately the trend of employers requiring remote employees to keep their cameras on during meetings has become more common due to several reasons:

  1. Enhanced Engagement and Communication: Keeping cameras on encourages a sense of connection and engagement among team members. Visual cues, such as facial expressions and body language, play a crucial role in effective communication and understanding. When cameras are on, it can lead to more interactive and productive meetings, fostering better collaboration and team dynamics.
  2. Accountability and Focus: Having cameras on during meetings can help ensure that employees are actively participating and paying attention to the discussion. It minimizes the temptation to multitask or become distracted by other activities, which could negatively impact meeting outcomes and team coherence.
  3. Building Trust and Team Bonding: In remote work environments, it can be challenging to establish trust and build relationships among team members who may have never met in person. Allowing cameras on creates a more personal connection and humanizes the virtual interactions, leading to stronger relationships.
  4. Mimicking In-Person Meetings: Remote work can sometimes feel isolating, and having cameras on can replicate the experience of face-to-face meetings. It can make employees feel more integrated into the team and the company culture, which can be essential for their overall job satisfaction and productivity.
  5. Monitoring Non-Verbal Cues: Managers and team leaders may want to observe non-verbal cues during meetings to gauge employee well-being, satisfaction, and engagement. Non-verbal cues can provide valuable insights into the team’s dynamics and help identify potential issues early on.
  6. Client and Customer Expectations: In some industries, clients or customers may expect to have face-to-face interactions during virtual meetings. Keeping cameras on can help maintain a professional appearance and meet client expectations.


It’s essential to note that while some employers may see the benefits of having cameras on during remote meetings, others may take a more flexible approach, recognizing that employees may have valid reasons for not turning on their cameras, such as privacy concerns, limited bandwidth, or distracting home environments. Balancing the benefits of cameras on with employee well-being and individual preferences is crucial for fostering a positive and productive remote work environment.

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